Self Improvement: The Beginner's Guide to Continuous Self-Improvement

Self Improvement

What is the ethical duty of self improvement?

Self Improvement
Self Improvement 

The duty of self-improvement is to act to promote one's own good, i.e., one's own health, security, wisdom, moral goodness, and happiness. 

If you do something for your child, it's a joy. If you do something for the child on the streets, it's your duty that you're fulfilling. When heart is barren, when your heart is bereft of love, then only you can perform duty. There is no need to do any duty in this world.

What are the 5 C's of self-care?

Based on mental and emotional health, there are essential 5C's: Connection, Coping, Calmness, Care, and Compassion. By incorporating them into our daily routine, they can create the most perfect plan for stress management, improving relationships, and fostering personal growth.

Responsibility means an ability to respond. – Generally, the person who has true understanding and maturity for life can complete his responsibilities. Nowadays so many people are using the word enjoyment instead of responsibility. response to actions means to do a responsibility. So that we cannot be left our so Many tasks, values, and virtues, our culture, our relationships, our country, our nationality, etc. Responsibility never tells don’t do enjoyment, while doing responsibility we have to do enjoyment. Responsibility means to keep discipline and trust in our work means what to do and what not to do.

What are the Facts of Responsibility?

We are not responsible for anyone’s happiness and problem and we can’t interfere in another person’s life.

Our thoughts, words, actions, should be positive and in harmony. For our own life’s preference, we are the only responsible person. Which thoughts and actions we have to choose is our responsibility. 

Which way you have chosen that we have to accept. We can’t give blame others for our preference.

We and only we are responsible for our happiness. To get happiness there is no need to depend on anyone.

To keep attention to our health and emotions is my responsibility. Avoid giving blame to others. Don’t make anger for them who have not done nice work in the past with you as they don't have sufficient knowledge, maturity, or understanding. 

The person who has given you a lot of pain, anger, unhappiness, etc. in the past we have to keep the nice thought for him.

Enjoy happy life- quotes

The simpler you keep things, the more happiness you have.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.” — Lucille Ball

“A simple life gives birth to more clarity, inner peace and meaningful relationships.” — Margo Vader

"If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you'll never enjoy the sunshine." —Morris West

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." —Dr. Seuss

"If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of." – Bruce Lee

Don't forget to make yourself a priority.

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